CSLAP Reports

CSLAP Reports

CSLAP Water Quality Reports

The Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) is a volunteer lake monitoring and education program that is managed by DEC and New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA).

New York State residents and visitors enjoy more than 7500 lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. To protect NYS waterbodies more information is needed than can be collected by state officials.

CSLAP is a partnership between DEC and lake residents or associations who help to monitor and collect important lake data. This information is used to understand lake conditions and to develop lake management plans. Regular lake monitoring keeps track of existing problems, detects threats to lakes before they become a problem, and helps to evaluate lake condition patterns.

The volunteers of the Findley Lake Watershed Foundation have been monitoring and collecting data for them since 1986. Every two weeks our volunteers go out onto the lake, take samples of the water, and send them in to be tested.