
Findley Lake Level to Fluctuate in October and Early November For NYSDOT Repair

Posted: 10/11/2022

Original article has been updated as of November 3, 2022
In September, NYSDOT repaired the depression in the roadway surface above the outlet of Findley Lake and devised a repair process for the void areas discovered between the outlet pipe and adjacent concrete – please refer to our previous News Article. NYSDOT asked the Findley Lake Watershed Foundation (FLWF) to provide a “dry” condition inside the outlet chamber (no water overflowing the gate) to enable them to conduct the necessary repair to fill the void areas and stop the erosion from taking place. In response, the FLWF will implement the following process:  

·        October 15 – Gates to be removed (this is the normal date) and the lake level will begin to decrease

·        October 22 Nov 7Gates will be replaced, and a temporary inflatable coffer dam will be placed in front of the gates to better seal off water from the effluent conduit.  This is crucial for the DOT to repair the void space.

·         October 24   Nov 7 +2 to 3 weeks for repair the lake level will increase during this time

·        When repairs are complete – the gates will again be opened, and the lake level will begin to decrease to the normal winter level (3 feet below normal summer level).

The FLWF will post updates here as they occur during this process.

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