Board Adopts Policy on Members Attending Meetings

Findley Lake Watershed Foundation

Policy on Membership attendance at Board Meetings

The FLWF encourages Members to attend and observe Board Meetings either in person or by way of a web conferencing platform.  Meeting date, time, location, web conferencing information and the agenda will be provided on the FLWF website a week prior to each regular meeting.

Each Member attending Board Meetings shall register upon entering either the physical room or the web conference to verify membership.  We ask that Members attending the meeting on the web conferencing platform mute their microphones after registering with the moderator.  If the Member is uncertain as to how to mute his or her microphone the moderator can mute it remotely. 

At every regular meeting the Board will include up to 20 minutes at the beginning of the stated agenda as a time for up to 10 Members to comment on topics included on that meeting's agenda.  The comments will be recorded in the meeting minutes and will be considered by the Board as they see fit during the meeting.

At the conclusion of “New Business” agenda items, up to 20 minutes will be allocated for up to 10 Members to comment on any matter within the FLWF’s purpose and mission.

Each Member speaking at Board Meetings will be limited to 2 minutes for their remarks.

Each speaker’s remark, questions, comments, or concerns will be received by the Board for consideration; however, the Board will not necessarily respond during the meeting so the Board can carefully consider the comment and agree on the appropriate action or response.

Members attending FLWF Board meetings shall conduct themselves with dignity, courtesy, and respect toward the Board, FLWF staff, and other persons in attendance. The Board will not tolerate disorderly conduct. Disorderly conduct includes:

·         Loud talking in the audience.

·         Being in any way disrespectful of anyone.

·         Addressing the Board without being called upon.

·         Allowing cellular telephones, or other devices to operate in audible mode.

An executive session (which is a session or portion of a meeting that is closed to Members) may be designated by the Board to consider the following types of matters:

·         Litigation

·         Discussion and recommendation of Commercial Proposals received by the Board

·         Personnel matters

·         Proprietary/Confidential/Security-Sensitive Information

This policy is hereby adopted by the FLWF Board of Directors on: September 10, 2022

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